Google frenzy
Google the new Ebay?
Looking at Froogle.... it .... kind of looks ..... wrong?? There isn't a buy option, there is no content. Only screaming products, just like Ebay? Cant even buy shit true Google jet?
I use to think it was a good thing to contain the uninspiring buy/sell person in the E-container. Now that they are sucking up all the web cash again it's time to release the e-idiots back into the wild. Quickly before we all end up diary writing and meaning of opinion dispaears.

Look at your TV! Do you want an internet just like that? 50% spam 49% recycling old crap, nice? Try think big, can you see that all the good seats are taken by uneducated morrons on our world? That means there is more oportunity out there as there ever was!
30% off topic I was amazed by how funny this is:
How build a blogger store?
"create a blogger blog", post your images with hello, get an AdWords and an AdSense account then learn some HTML. - -
Write some articles about the topic so that buyers return to your web site. I mean people, PEOPLE I mean.
Do not bore us or we shall ignore you :0)
For the last nine months, Google has recruited online retailers to test GBuy, according to one person briefed on the service. GBuy will feature an icon posted alongside the paid-search ads of merchants, which Google hopes will tempt consumers to click on the ads, says this person. GBuy will also let consumers store their credit-card information on Google.
Ebay clearly didn't bring any value to the market. The whole thing is based on
"what can we make people pay for this?". That was hip in 1990 today we charge for what things actually cost to make.
Will google be the new Ebay?
Ebay is not hip
Ebay charges 0.75 $ To display a pictures of 800 pixels. That's just to amusing? This doesn't include the single line of text they host for you. It proves that people running after money all day have no interest in innovation. As soon as the $ comes in things should stay the way they are! Why pay to
give them your content??? Pay to give? huh?
My free advice would be "create a blogger blog", post your images with hello, get an AdWords and an AdSense account then learn some HTML.
Build a blogger store!
wiew im making a google blog :D :D