Google frenzy
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
  Gates: PC will replace TV, TV will become a giant Google | The Register
Gates: PC will replace TV, TV will become a giant Google | The Register: "Microsoft founder and chairman Bill Gates must see Google everywhere he looks these days. He must even see Google when he closes his eyes, and enters that lucid dreaming state from which all of Microsoft's great strategies eventually emerge. What he sees at that moment, we imagine, is a Tellytubby landscape that looks a lot like the Windows XP default wallpaper - perhaps with Chairman Bill himself as the sun. But bouncing across this happy vista are the red, green and blue colored balls that have rolled out of the Google playpen."
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is a 800-900 year old city in the Netherlands. During the 16th and 17th century the city prospered due to the herring fishing and trading by the East and West-India Company. From this period many structures remain.

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